Skyrim oblivion gate mod
Skyrim oblivion gate mod

The voice actor who voiced the wizard in Wyrmstooth Barrow was probably the most memorable. The voice acting of the random NPCs you that move into the mining settlement once the story is over were voice acted better than the NPCs involved in the main quest. Enderal did a much better job with level design so I would recommend the mod author take a look at that project.There were plenty of potential story elements around the map such as a deactivated oblivion gate outside Wyrmstooth Crypt, but it's just there as simple set dressing and nothing more.

skyrim oblivion gate mod

The dungeons are a different story with most being bits and pieces of base game dungeons copy/pasted together. The island is a bit generic but is well populated with random objects such that it blends in well with the design of the original Skyrim worldspace.

skyrim oblivion gate mod

Some NPCs make a few contradictory statements which make it seem like the mod author didn't plan the story out properly before bringing voice actors on-board. Some grammatical issues and spelling mistakes break immersion. I was able to get through the entire mod in just under 3 hours. Here's my Wyrmstooth review: Writing - 1/5

Skyrim oblivion gate mod